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Terms of Use


These terms of use (General Terms of Use) constitute the rules and conditions of use of the website. The General Terms of Use concern and govern all aspects of its use.

The Athens Development and Tourism Promotion Company (EATA S.A.), which is the administrator of the Website (the "Administrator") may at any time modify these General Terms of Use or formulate special or supplementary-additional terms of use for a certain section or function of the Website, for which the user will be informed before entering the said section or before using the said function.

The General Terms of Use and any special or additional additional terms of use constitute a legally binding agreement (contract) between the Administrator and the user/visitor of the Website in question.



The visitor or user of the Website must carefully read and study the General Terms of Use before visiting or using the pages and in case of disagreement must not use them. The General Terms of Use apply to the entire content of the Website.

Users browsing the Website or its individual categories are irrefutably presumed to have accepted these terms of use.



The use of this Website for the purpose of: a) illegal activity b) violation of international and national laws, regulations and rules, c) violation of the intellectual property rights of the Website Administrator or third parties, d) presenting misleading or  fraudulent information, e) the insult, defamation, harassment, harm or discrimination in relation to gender, age, nationality, sexual preference or physical disability, f) the management of personal data of third parties, g) the sending of spam, phish , pharm or the sending of viruses or malicious codes, which may affect the functioning of the Internet Site, h) obscene or immoral activity. The Athens Development and Tourism Promotion Company (EATA) reserves the right to terminate access to this Website from a user who violates one or more of the above prohibitions. If the user is provided with the possibility to access external links or external content through this Website, the Administrator bears no responsibility for the content and other functions of these external links.  

Users must comply with the general terms and conditions, applicable law and any other rule of law and/or practice and/or procedure established and put into effect by the Administrator.  

The user acknowledges and unconditionally accepts that he becomes solely responsible for damages that may be caused to this Website or to third parties, regardless of the cause, type and name thereof, when the damages arise as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the non-compliance with these terms and conditions of use.



The Athens Development and Tourism Promotion Company (EATA) takes all reasonable legal, technical and organizational measures to safeguard Personal Data subject to the currently applicable Greek and EU legislation, binding provision or contract, which defends principles for legitimate handling and adequate degree of protection of Personal Data.

The Athens Development and Tourism Promotion Company (EATA) undertakes that all Personal Data that may end up on the website will be processed legally, will not be sold or in any way granted to third parties.

The website uses cookies, tracking pixels and related technologies. Cookies are small data files served by our platform and stored on your device. All the necessary information about cookies, the protection of your Personal Data and your rights are described in the link below.



If requested by the user, he has the obligation to declare his real personal and other information and data to the Website. The Website takes all necessary measures for the security of communications, in accordance with current legislation.



Except for the expressly stated exceptions (copyrights of third parties, partners and entities) all content of the website, including images,graphics, photos, plans, texts and generally all the files of this website are the intellectual property of the Athens Development and Tourist Promotion Company (EATA) and are protected according to the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions.

Accordingly, all of the foregoing is provided to you for your personal, non-commercial use only, provided that all copyright and other related proprietary rights notices contained in the original material are preserved, in all copies of this material and may not modify the website material in any way or reproduce or publicly display, or perform or "upload" or distribute or otherwise use it, for commercial or other purposes.< /p>

Excluded is the case of individual storage of a single copy of part of the content on a simple personal PC (computer) for personal and non-public or commercial use without erasing its indication of origin from this website and without affecting in any way the related intellectual and industrial property rights.

Any other products or services  that are mentioned on the online pages of this website and bear the marks of the respective organizations, companies, partner bodies, associations or publications, are their own intellectual and industrial property.

EATA and its partners make every possible effort for the good operation of the website without guaranteeing that its operations or its servers will be uninterrupted or without any type of error, free from viruses or other similar elements.



The Administrator is not liable towards the user or towards other third parties who draw rights from the user for any form of damage, whether it is property or non-property damage, positive or collateral, direct or indirect, or of any other form, regardless of the more specific name, its form and cause, for any legal or civil or criminal claims, nor for any damage from visitors to our website or third parties, from a cause related to the operation or non-operation or the use of the online site or from any unauthorized interventions by third parties in information available through it.

The Administrator and its partners make every effort for the good functioning of the website without guaranteeing that the functions of it or its servers will be uninterrupted or without any type of error, free from viruses or other similar elements.


The limitation or exclusion of the Administrator's liability in accordance with the terms herein does not limit or exclude its liability for damages of any kind, which cannot legally be limited or excluded based on the rules of applicable law.< /p>



The Website contains references through links, hyperlinks or banners to third party websites, whose availability, content, personal data protection policy, quality and completeness of their services the Administrator does not control. The Administrator under no circumstances bears any responsibility for the availability, content, personal data protection policy, quality or correctness of the pages and functions of the website of any third party, which are available to the visitor/user through links or banners. Therefore, in the event of any problem arising during the visit or use of such pages/functions, the visitor/user should immediately contact the managers of the specific websites who will be responsible for these functions.

In no way can it be considered that the Administrator subscribes to or approves the content or functions of the websites and web pages to which visitors/users refer or to which this web portal is linked in any way.

The user expressly and unconditionally accepts that the Administrator is not responsible for any loss or damage, regardless of the specific cause, name and form thereof, which you may have suffered as a result of the availability of the above external websites or sources, or as a result of any reliance placed on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertisement, any product or other material contained or available on the above websites or sources.



The General Terms of Use constitute a single legal agreement between the user and the Administrator and govern the user's use of said website.

The user expressly and unconditionally accepts that the Administrator may provide him with notices, including those regarding modifications to the Terms of Use, by e-mail, conventional mail, or announcements.

The delay in exercising or refraining from exercising any right by the Administrator, either once or repeatedly, in no case implies a waiver of this right, which can be exercised at any time.

In case of invalidity of any provision of these Terms of Use, the user expressly and unconditionally accepts that it will be replaced by another term of equivalent effect by the Administrator, thus interpreting the true will of the contracting parties. In any case, the remaining Terms of Use herein are not affected by the invalidity of any of these terms and remain valid and effective.



In the event of a violation by the user of any term of this present, in addition to any other consequences provided for herein or in any other source of law, the Administrator has the right at its absolute discretion to interrupt, temporarily or permanently, the possibility of access on his website.



These Terms of Use are governed by Greek legislation as well as by the General European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data EU 2016/679 to the extent that they concern and refer to the protection of personal data. The courts of Athens will be exclusively responsible for the resolution of any dispute arising in relation to these Terms of Use.



These terms and conditions of use were revised on 8/02/2021 and govern this Website until a later revision is notified.