The project "Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction - Personalized Skills" promotes the employment of vulnerable, unemployed residents of the Municipality of Athens through a holistic program of information, training and certification. The program also offers personalized psychosocial and professional support as well as the placement of beneficiaries in jobs. The main goal of the project is to find employment, people who have recently entered unemployment status. The project is implemented within the framework of the "Local Development and Poverty Reduction" program of the European Economic Area (EEA Grants), with the implementing body being the Development & Tourism Promotion Company of the Municipality of Athens E.A.T.A. S.A.

About project

The Project

The project "Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction - Personalized Skills" promotes the employment of vulnerable, unemployed residents of the Municipality of Athens through a holistic program of information, training and certification. The program also offers personalized psychosocial and vocational support...


EEA Grants

The project "Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction - Personalized Skills - (Skills on Demand)" is implemented within the framework of the "Local Development and Poverty Reduction" program of the European Economic Area (EEA Grants), with the implementing agency the Development Company & Tourist Promotion of the Municipality of Athens E.A.T.A. SA...


Invitation of beneficiaries

Invitation for expression of interest for the submission of a request for expression of interest in the framework of the implementation of the project "Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction - "Skills on Demand" which is implemented ...


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Call of interest

EATA S.A. in the framework of the implementation of the project "Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction - Personalized Skills", which is implemented in the framework of the "Local Development and Poverty Reduction" Program of the European Economic Area (EEA Grants)

Tender for the selection of the Contractor of the Project Counseling Unemployed and Vulnerable Citizens


Declaration issue of Electronic open competition below the limits through ESIDIS for the selection of the Contractor of the Project Counseling Unemployed and Vulnerable Citizens for the Selection of Training Fields and optimal integration into the